NMAM 2025 Holiday Market Application!

Thank you for your interest in participating in our Holiday Market event hosted Thanksgiving weekend, November 28–30, 2025 at Hotel Albuquerque!

The application deadline is June 1 and artisans will be notified of acceptance by mid-July. There is a Jury Fee of $35 (plus tax) per submission that must be paid when submitting your application or your application to be considered.

We can only showcase photos that meet these quality standards. Need tips for submitting your photos? Click here for guidelines.

If you have any questions regarding the application, feel free to email us at [email protected]

Are you a current resident of New Mexico? If not, you are ineligible to apply to this event.(Required)(Required)
Artisan's Full Name(Required)
Select the category that best describes your discipline and the types of products you will have available at the Market.(Required)
How did you hear about this event?(Required)
Have you participated in an event hosted by NMAM before? If so, please check boxes for the corresponding show and year you participated. Check all that apply.(Required)
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 100 MB, Max. files: 6.
    Would you like to be notified of any future NMAM events or Artisan opportunities?(Required)
    By checking this box and submitting my application, I certify that I have read, understand, accept, and agree to the legal terms & conditions set forth by the New Mexico Artisan Market legal agreement.(Required)

    New Mexico Artisan Market Legal Agreement (here).